Artistes / DJ / Live (english)

Narcotango Cuarteto


Dj Jean-Marc Vandel (Suisse | Switzerland )
Since 2005, Jean-Marc has been actively promoting the cause of Neotango by organizing the only Neolonga in the Lake Geneva region.
An avid and eclectic music aficionado, he likes mixing different styles in his sets, in which he strives to find the perfect balance between well-known pieces and new ones.

Dj Fred Romero

Fred has been passionate about music and dance ever since he was a child, and one of his greatest achievements is to have made it his profession, which he practises with passion. For many years now, he has been inexorably pushing you onto the dancefloor when he is behind the sound systemo....he has been performing trad music all over Europe for many years, and is particularly fond of Neo ... He loves the breathing, the variation and the rhythm of an evening and he always takes great pleasure in sharing his musical choices with the dancers.


Tango Cocktail DJ Team Aurélio , Bricia , Jitep et Sophie

Dj Jitep

Dj Jitep loves Tango! For him, NeoTango encompasses both alternative music that can be danced to in tango, tangos by modern orchestras and tangos from the last century.

While he takes great pleasure in musicalising milongas inspired by the 30s, 40s and 50s ... his real passion is finding new melodies to dance to.

As well as constantly enriching his repertoire, he offers dancers the chance to open up to new emotions... including nostalgic themes specific to Tango!

Why miss out?

Dj Bricia

Tango? A passion since 2011!

Since 2014 she has been organising milongas in Lyon with the ARTEMUSIC association.

She joined the TANGO COCKTAIL team in 2018, with whom she is starting to musicalise the "milongas de la Platière".

Her musical selections are mostly traditional or contemporary with original interpretations or adaptations.

Her greatest pleasure is to create a joyful and festive atmosphere, to give tangueros the opportunity to share the intimate vibration of the abrazo, the very special emotion of Argentine tango.

Translated with (free version)

Dj Jérôme El Diablito

Passionate about music from an early age and bursting with energy, El Diablito knows how to share his joie de vivre and his sense of fun. A creator of atmosphere, he'll take you on a tango whirlwind.

 Dj Aurelio

Dancer of Latin dances and much more,

His dancing has long been nourished by the different cultures of Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and America.

"Musicalising for the pleasure of sharing music that makes you want to dance and that awakens the couple's imagination.

Djette Sophie Chalendard 

I love "listening to you dance". Playing with your energy.

Your dancing brings the music to life. My heart goes out to you.

Electro Tango, Nostalgic Tango, Hypnotic Tango, Lyrical Tango, Intimate Tango, Jazzy Tango, Tango ... From Carla Pugliese to Marc Perronne, from Tanghetto to Georges Moustaki, from Joe Power to Graig Einhorm....

Tango Mistico !



Vj Andreas Lange

Andréas discovered tango as a photographer in 2005 and has been dancing it since 2006. From the outset he has developed a particular interest in alternative tango.

Since 2015 he has devoted himself in particular to his artistic work as a VJ (Visual Jockey). He systematically draws on his own visual creations. Some photos have already been seen and exhibited in galleries, others are creations specially designed for Vjing. He sees Vjing as visual forms harmonising with music. The result is a mutual influence between the music, the dancers and the visual atmosphere.

See Andreas at all the milongas from Friday!